Just a little Resolution Run.

31st December 2018 - 11:43am, sounds like the perfect time to make on the spot decisions without very little thought right? Yep, apparently I thought so too.

That was the exact time, I signed up to run 5k around Heaton Park, Manchester on Sunday 7th April 2019 to raise money for the Stoke Association. Now Paula Radcliffe I am not, but an Instagram advert offering an early bird registration offer really sucked me in. So here I am, little me running 5K in April knowing full well the last time I ran properly was in year 10 I want to say doing cross country. This was also the time we were forced to run the course again, because someone decided to say they were pushed down a hill when really they fell down it. So let's just say Runner's High is never something I've experienced.

I will be running using my Grandad Alan as my inspiration. For more about him and why the Stroke association means so much to me you can see my not-so subtle plug here. If you're reading this please give generously as the Stroke Association does incredible work and every little donation counts towards something massive.

Now on to why I'm writing this now. I'm going to keep you updated on my progress using this blog and week by week you'll see how I'm progressing and what my run's look like. I only really run for a bus so I'll be using the NHS Couch to 5k app - so far it's working but lets see how this goes!


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