
The first run is the hardest...

Being the flake I am I didn't write an update on week 1 or 2 so I'm doing it collectively in this post.  Programming Week 1 - 5 minute warm up walk, 60 second run, 90 second walk, repeat x7. 5 minute cool down walk. Week 2 - 5 minute warm up walk, 90 second run, 120 second walk, repeat x5, 90 second run, 5 minute warm down walk. Week 1  So I tackled my first run on 1st January 2019, starting the year as I mean to go on. In Neston with my boyfriend walking along behind me with a water bottle. I definitely needed the moral support. I started my run along the country roads and quickly bitched out of that because I couldn't handle navigating the cars and people. PEOPLE OUT WALKING ON NEW YEARS DAY - how dare they. I mean it's not like it's a well established tradition is it.  So instead I turned round and ran up the wirral way path which is a completely pedestrianised path along the marshes and I could not be happier with my decision.  So lungs on...

Just a little Resolution Run.

31st December 2018 - 11:43am, sounds like the perfect time to make on the spot decisions without very little thought right? Yep, apparently I thought so too. That was the exact time, I signed up to run 5k around Heaton Park, Manchester on Sunday 7th April 2019 to raise money for the Stoke Association. Now Paula Radcliffe I am not, but an Instagram advert offering an early bird registration offer really sucked me in. So here I am, little me running 5K in April knowing full well the last time I ran properly was in year 10 I want to say doing cross country. This was also the time we were forced to run the course again, because someone  decided to say they were pushed down a hill when really they fell down it. So let's just say Runner's High is never something I've experienced. I will be running using my Grandad Alan as my inspiration. For more about him and why the Stroke association means so much to me you can see my not-so subtle plug here . If you're reading this pl...